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August 08, 2018
By Heidi Schoeffler Photography
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Why I Love Boudoir Photography

Okay, I have to be honest here. I LOVE photographing boudoir sessions!!! These are one of the things I love the most to photograph (aside from seniors and weddings). They are so raw and so powerful and full of beauty.  

I love creating a relaxed, laid back environment for these photo shoots because I know how intimidating it can be to strut around in front of someone in your skivvies. But, a little music, and sometimes a little champagne even, can make people feel at ease. I also am a really laid back person who completely understands where women come from about their insecurities and their doubts about themselves. I have those too and I know how they can completely take over your lives sometimes. That's a big reason why I love these photo shoots. I want to show you how beautiful you are. I used to always promote these as great gifts for your loved ones, significant others, hubbies, wives, etc, but bottom line, these are for you. These are images that I want to portray that raw beauty you have, inside and out. I won't erase the scars on your body (unless they are ones that you absolutely hate) because those are a part of who you are. They are a part of your heart and soul, life experiences, and things that brought you to who you are today. 

I HATE hearing women say, when I lose 15 pounds...girl, that is the story of my life. If we always waited for when we "lost 10 or 15 pounds," so much of our life would be put on hold. Why not just love the way you look right now? What if you just looked at yourself and said, you know what, this is great. I like this. I know for me that sounds impossible sometimes because I am definitely one always struggling with body image. But I've looked at pictures of me from 20 years ago when I thought I was so fat and that is just ridiculous! Our perception of ourselves can be so unreliable and just downright awful. It's time for a change. It's time to love yourself. Love your body. Be healthy and happy.

As women, we are powerful, we are beautiful, we are statuesque creatures that just simply rule this universe. Let's own that. 


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